Note From The Poet

Monday, September 16, 2024

My New Poetry Project: "100 Faces of Jesus"


Dear Reader,

            When I was 21 years old, I was living in Mesa, Arizona.  I was a grocery clerk - dreaming of writing again and finding my way back into what I love.  My mother was living in Arizona at the time too.  She decided to take art lessons from an artist - Kenneth Schilling.  He is a Fine Arts Christian artist in Mesa.  His work was beautiful to me and quite frankly I am still a fan. One day, I wandered into his shop with my mother and grandmother.

            I remember meeting him briefly.  And now, four-years-later, I approached Mr. Schilling about virtual art lessons and now we're working on a project together: "100 Faces of Jesus."  I am excited - I think it is a huge honor.  He sent me some of his paintings of Jesus and I get to write a poem to each of his paintings.

            I think it is an honor when an artist asks you to write to their art. I don't take it for granted.

            Check out Mr. Schillings work at:  His work is profound and deeply powerful.  I see Jesus in so many ways and this artist truly captured that. You were made for me, Ken :) - I'll be your Hemmingway, Picasso.  I'll fend off the Gertrude Stein's 'til we finish this project.    

            I firmly believe you will truly enjoy the finished product.

Stay Tuned!

-Blue Balcita, Poet 

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