Note From The Poet

Saturday, September 14, 2024

9/14/2024 - 6 Uncollected Poems


Dear Preacher
By: Blue Balcita - POEM
"Here I am, preacher," I said as I walked to a pew, "I'm in the pew - you in the pulpit - just like you wanted."
"Yes," said the Preacher flatly.
"Well, tell me then - what is my sin?" I said flatly.
"Ego. Capitalistic greed-," said the Preacher.
"Ah. The rat race of consumerism, you mean?" I said sourly.
"Your sin is you also interrupt, Penelope," he said equally as sour, "And you are prideful."
"I'm 18. Do I have no virtue, Preacher?" I said, "Is God not peace, love, and forgiveness?"
"You have so many virtues, Penelope," he said expressionlessly, "I have known you for years. In despite of your prideful nature - you are generous, compassionate to a fault."
"Why do you care so much?" I said.
"Because you are young in age and old in spirit, use the time you have to not only love yourself but change the world through your great capacity for kindness," he said as he matched my expression.
I nodded and said, "Thanks, Preacher."
Be humble and kind. The two cents of a man I thought too pious to care.
The answer: Don't judge the cover by the colors, but by the evolving pages within.
Actions make the noble person.
7 years later...
He was right. The lesson he gave me was right.
How do you want to spend your time?


By: Blue Balcita
Time's gentle hand, a subtle guide
Etches lines, a life well-lived inside
Wisdom's creases, a map of the soul
Aging's journey, a story to unfold
Youth's vibrant flame, a flickering light
Dances with shadows, through day and night
As seasons pass, the fire burns low
A warm ember, a gentle glow
Memories accumulate, like autumn leaves
Golden treasures, a life to retrieve
Experiences shape, a weathered face
A topography, of time and space
But still, the eyes sparkle, like stars above
A window to the heart, a labor of love
For aging's beauty, lies not in disguise
But in the depth, of a life well-realized.

Two Roads Offer Me Deliverance
By: Blue Balcita

In the depths of madness, I lost my way
A labyrinth of thoughts, consumed me day by day
My mind, a maelstrom, swirling out of control
A chaos that shattered, my very soul

But in the darkness, a light began to shine
A gentle whisper, that guided me divine
I searched for solace, and found my heart
A love that healed, and never would depart

In the silence, I heard a gentle voice
A call to awakening, a heartfelt choice
To let go of fear, and embrace the unknown
And find my true self, in a love that's grown

I found my footing, on a sacred ground
A sense of purpose, that lifted me around
I discovered peace, in the midst of pain
And a love that redeemed, my soul's deep stain

Now in the quiet, I hear a gentle breeze
A whispered reminder, of a love that frees
A heart that's healed, a soul that's whole
A reflection of God, in my inner soul.

Pale Rider

By: Blue Balcita

The Pale Rider comes, with steed so gray
Bringing apocalypse, in his own way
Death's dark whisper, echoes in my mind
As insecurity's chaos, I try to unwind

His presence looms, like a specter grim
As fears and doubts, begin to brim
But I stand tall, against the darkest night
And face the Rider, with all his might

Yet, even as I conquer, one fear and doubt
The Pale Rider brings, another rout
More chaos unfolds, like a darkened sea
And I'm lost again, in uncertainty

But then, a light breaks, like a radiant beam
God's gentle whisper, soothes my deepest dream
The chaos subsides, like a calming tide
As His love and peace, my heart inside

My mind transforms, into a rainbow's hue
A kaleidoscope, of light and truth anew
The Pale Rider fades, like a ghostly form
As God's sweet presence, dispels the darkest storm

Lust and Love
By: Blue Balcita

Lust's siren call, a fleeting thrill
A moment's pleasure, for a lifetime's bill
For money's grasp, or love's unrequited pain
I traded joy, for empty, hollow gain

But now I see, in ordinary days
A beauty shines, that lust's bright gaze
Can never match, the warmth of simple things
A sunrise smile, or laughter's joyful rings

Unrequited love, a heart's deep sore
A longing that, will never be more
Then echoes of what could never be
A phantom love, that haunted me

Yet, in every
day's gentle grasp
I find my peace, my happy clasp
The madness of routine, a beautiful ride
A life of moments, where love resides

In morning coffee's rich, aromatic steam
In nature's whispers, or a friend's sweet dream
In books that transport, or a warm summer breeze
I find my bliss, my love's gentle ease

No longer chasing, the elusive high
I'm free to dance, in ordinary skies
With every breath, a sense of peace descends
In this beautiful madness, my heart transcends

A Mother's Love
By: Blue Balcita

In secret, I held you close A whispered promise, nobody knows A heartbeat within, a life unseen My love for you, forever serene Though never born, your memory stays A bittersweet reminder of life's fragile ways I was young, and fate decided fast But my love for you, will forever last In dreams, I see your smiling face A radiant glow, in a sacred space I hear your laughter, pure and bright A melody that soothes my darkest night My arms may be empty, but my heart is full With love for you, my precious, unfulfilled I'll carry you always, deep inside A cherished memory, where love resides Time may heal wounds, but won't erase The love I have for you, in every place You'll forever be my shining star A light that guides me, near and far In finding peace, I let go the pain And celebrate the love that remains For you, dear one, though never here Will always be my loved, my dear Your brief presence changed my life A love so strong, cut short in strife Yet, in that moment, our bond took hold Forever entwined, our hearts unfold My love for you is incredible, true A boundless ocean, forever anew Though you were never born to stay You'll always be my child, every day.


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